

  1. 答:It is very natural that we will feel a little shy when we are surrounded by strangers.But we can try to get rid of this feeling .I would like to give you some suggestions.
    First you should try to take part in some activities to improve your ability.And in the meanwhile you should try to begin conversations with others.Second ,if you want to be outgoing ,you should have enough self-confidence .Finally you should make friends with outgoing people and learn something from them .As long as you try to do as these ,I think you will be less shy.
  1. 答:e Pudency
    Nowadays,petition between people is ing more and more drastic. But some ambitious people, they don't have enough confidence, they are too shy to let others know that they have the ability to deal with problems. Some people, however, they don't have that much knowledge, but they are more confident than those I mentioned before. They have the courage to show people what they have and know. That's why sometimes they have got more chance and opportunity than shy people. We need to over pudency because that will affect our future. We can do this step by step. For example, at first, try to raise your hand while having classes and tell others what you think. Also, try not to be so nervous. Just trust yourself and then you will e pudency.
  1. 答:Dear XXX
    I am writing to you to help you with your pudency.I know that you are always shy to municate with others.In fact,there is no need to be shy.The one you are talking to will not laugh at you,on the contrary,they respect you.You are really very nice and you are just a little to self-contemptuous.So believe in yourself and think that you are the NO.1,you will show a new self to us.
