

  1. 答:There will be no consumer market without a market, no production, no production there is no reproduction. Production and reproduction is not no jobs, no work no wages, no wage e, not consumption. Nurturing the domestic consumer market has e an empty talk
    论文大春毁迟樱纲 Thesis Paper ;
  2. 答:擦的啊,电脑有键盘没啊?
  3. 答:There will be no market without consumers. Without market, there will be no production. Without production, there will be no reproduction. Without production and reproduction, there will be no employment. No employment will mean no salary e. Without salary, there will be no consumption. Therefore, developing domestic consumer market will be in vain.
    最后一句话可樱族让以改成 "Therefore, developing domestic consumer market will be talks only." (will be talks only 的意思也就是说只能用来说可以脊局做不出来的)
    论文大纲? Thesis Paper 吗?
    (虽然 consumers 是消费者的意思,穗辩 但是听都是听 "consumers" 的没有c常听到 "consumption" 的)
    没有生产和再生产就没有工作岗位 <- 这句话不是听的很明白...
  4. 答:There will be no market without consumers. Without market, there will be no production. Without production, there will be no reproduction. Without production and reproduction, there will be no employment. No employment will mean no salary e. Without salary, there will be no consumption. Therefore, developing domestic consumer market will be in vain.
    最后一句话可樱族让以改成 "Therefore, developing domestic consumer market will be talks only." (will be talks only 的意思也就是说只能用来说可以脊局做不出来的)
    论文大纲? Thesis Paper 吗?
    (虽然 consumers 是消费者的意思,穗辩 但是听都是听 "consumers" 的没有c常听到 "consumption" 的)
    没有生产和再生产就没有工作岗位 <- 这句话不是听的很明白...
  5. 答:这是个什么题啊。。。
  6. 答:No consumption leads to no market, and in turn no market to no production, no production to no reproduction, no production or reproduction to no job position, no job position to no salary e, no salary e to no consumption, bined cycles above will surely void the slogan of so-called fostering the domestic market.
  1. 答:先在第一行(与打印纸顶端的距离仍为2.5cm左右)的始端打上 Thesis 一词及冒号,空一格后再打论题句,回行时左边须与论题句的第一个字母上下对齐.
  1. 答:改革的实质;改革的内涵;改革的延伸
