一、Contents of〈Transactions of Tianjin University〉in 2002(论文文献综述)
米歇尔(Jean Michel MARONE)[1](2020)在《The Regulation on Venture Capital:A Study of West and East Africa and the European Union》文中研究指明对风险资本(VC)的监管是全球许多地区感兴趣和关注的领域。在一个参与方之间存在不确定性和信息不对称的环境中,风险投资领域的许多程序和实施经历了多年不断发展。根据WordWeb词典,风险投资可用于投资新兴的或投机型企业。风险资本家常常是为企业生存的早期阶段融资,包括种子融资,新产品或服务的开发和拓展,主要是在科研或技术实力雄厚的部门。风险投资公司是解决道德风险和信息不对称问题的专业机构,因此它可以通过填补金融家和企业家之间的鸿沟来获得利润。风险资本通常规模很小,是为处于企业生存初期且具有强大增长和扩张潜力的企业提供资金。此外,风险投资基金还为企业提供宝贵的专业知识、商业网络、品牌价值和战略建议。通过解释什么不是风险资本来阐释风险资本,会更容易理解。强调风险投资和金融公司之间的区别是有必要的。银行向企业提供的贷款不是风险资本。投资公司在纽约证券交易所购买的股票和债券不属于风险投资。购置公寓楼、购物中心等不动产投资的公司不投资风险资本。从事小企业投资的银行子公司可能在使用风险资本。一些购买新发行的上市公司的投资公司也可能被视为风险投资的投资者。如果一群朋友聚在一起,把钱投入到一家小型企业中,以使之起步,那么这项投资可能就是一种风险投资。如果将钱借给正在开设新型商店的朋友,则该笔钱可能被视为风险资本。如果有人购买了一家开始制造新型机器的私人公司的股票,那么投资的钱通常称为高科技风险投资。购买企业所投入的股本资金被视为风险资本。投资于一家显示出快速增长潜力的新公司的资金就是风险资本。简言之,风险投资的特点是高风险。不管投资的结构如何,它可以是产生长期资本收益的股权投资,也可以是风险投资家带来25%的投资回报率的高风险贷款。如果高风险贷款符合条件,那么还有如下问题:“金融公司和风险投资公司之间有什么区别?”毕竟,一家金融公司以高利率贷款,两者之间的区别在于管理协助。风险资本家比金融公司更多地参与业务。它经常审查公司运营并不断提出建议。本质上,它是一个商业合作伙伴。需要注意的是,机构资金现在被视为风险资本,并且有许多机构具有在风险情况下进行投资的独立功能。鉴于上述对风险资本的界定,很明显的一点是,如果没有清晰且合理的监管,那么该特定的商业和金融领域将无法取得进展。由于风险资本的风险特性,而且由于它总是涉及两方或多方之间的义务,在这一点上尤为如此。因此,有必要讨论风险资本监管的影响。本文主要研究了在欧洲和非洲某些地区风险投资中一些最重要的监管机构。在我们讨论监管之前,我们需要界定和理解什么是监管体系。事实上,它是指一个旨在管控特定个人、业务、公司或市场的体系。就风险投资而言,建立监管制度的原因是使投资者、投资对象和所有其他参与者遵守旨在创造公平惯例的规则。一个例子是英国的金融行为监管局(FCA)。因此,监管体系是由公司法和金融法来调整和规制。尽管风险资本通常与美国硅谷和其他不同程度接受经济自由主义的西方经济有关,但其在非洲也有出现。AVCA(非洲风险投资协会)代表非洲的私募股权和风险投资行业,并且是非洲的监管机构。AVCA成立于2002年,总部位于喀麦隆雅温得。AVCA的会员来自非洲乃至全球。AVCA的目标是代表非洲境内和全球的行业,刺激整个非洲行业的增长和扩展,促进专业关系和合作,为行业从业人员的发展提供机会,进行相关研究,发布和传播行业信息和见解,向决策者提供建议,以改善该行业的公司、财务和法律环境,保持较高的道德和专业水准,并为投资者、被投资方和其他利益相关者的管理发展做出贡献。因此,东非和西非的监管体系是由像AVCA这样的监管机构界定的,而不是由成员国的司法系统定义的。同样的还有像欧盟EVCA(欧洲私募股权和风险投资协会)或Eu VECA(欧洲风险投资)这样的机构,但其不同之处在于,这些机构以及新的监管享有更大的权利,并受益于超越国界层面的体系。欧盟已经通过一系列法律修订和引入新规则,旨在促进资金调集到风险资本和私募股权中。欧盟制定了新的法规,例如Euveca(欧洲风险投资)基金法律,其目的是促进小型创新型企业获得融资。这部法律规定了新的措施,包括免费向风险投资公司在欧洲范围内销售其资金,使其成为一个现象。2018年,在欧盟内部的三个国家诞生了全球表现最佳的十大创业公司,这表明欧盟的风投行业在未来几年将继续保持良好的表现。欧盟有利其发展的监管法规使这样的结果成为可能。本文讨论了非洲和欧洲的风险投资监管,并基于混合方法对两个地缘政治实体的三个代表性案例展开研究。本文放眼欧盟,东非和西非,采用了比较的眼光分析风险投资。这些案列涵盖了德国,肯尼亚和尼日利亚。因此,考虑到在非洲地区风险投资领域仍缺乏相关学术研究,本研究形成了比较充分的研究成果,从而为进一步了解该领域的话题提供了平台。鉴于非洲大陆学术圈中关于风险投资研究的不足,本文的研究取得了一些成果,并奠定了对这一主题进一步深入研究的基础。风险资本伴随着诸如低竞争力等挑战的同时不断增长着。相比之下,欧盟的风险资本寿命更长。然而,全球各个地区风险投资的经验和表现往往会有所不同,一些经济体的表现要优于其他经济体。从监管角度来看,由于所有地缘政治体的关注点大体相似,这并未对风险资本产生太大影响。然而,正是制度上的差异使得某些地区的风险资本规模比其他地区更为强大。为了研究风险资本的成长,本文建议主要关注体制问题。从监管的角度来看,体制问题似乎没有太大影响,因为在所有地缘政治地区,人们的担忧的问题普遍相似。但是,制度上的差异似乎使风险资本的规模偏向一个地区而不是另一个地区。在本文中,我们谈到了中国风险投资的经验。之所以要讨论中国的法律制度,是因为它为经济增长和组织治理提供了参考。西非和东非的许多发展中国家可以参考中国为发展风险投资行业而进行的改革。风险投资的投资者评价的另一个大问题是知识产权的安全性。因此,这项研究追问是否有专利方面的监管体系来保护初创企业,以及风险投资公司在这方面的作用应当是什么。通常,投资者希望在专利中具有牢固的地位,尤其是当发明人在大学或其他研究机构中进行研究时。风险资本还必须考虑与专利及其保护相关的所有潜在成本。市场的各种机制在技术传播中起着核心作用。考虑到这些因素,企业需要更坚实,更重要的知识产权保护,才能在全球范围内保持竞争力。经济合作与发展组织(OECD)指出,美国,欧洲和日本的专利制度的法律法规框架带来的积极变化,吸引了更多专利方面的投资,并且专利得到更加稳健的保护。本文希望通过对风险投资法律的研究以解决对直接投资的实际影响问题。本文研究了如何通过激励和保护投资者来增加投资者的数量并刺激新公司的创建的方法。这正是监管体系的积极影响,因为无论是在商业领域还是在任何金融领域,规则的运用都会对公司和经济增长产生积极影响。最重要的是,我们通过分析监管环境来讨论法律方面的问题,并试图揭示一些阻碍投资者的问题。整篇论文中展示了法律的作用,以及如何促进东非和西非地区的投资程序。研究结果发现,不友好的监管环境与公司作为投资者进入这些国家的决策之间存在深刻的联系。本文研究发现了一些社会制度架构中的腐败现象,项目经营不善,国内交易规模过小以及撒哈拉以南地区的交易限制等问题。风险资本对资金的需求巨大,因而需要在政府层面开展大量工作。本文发现的另一个问题是语言障碍,风险资本似乎在英语国家发展的更好。原因在于大多数风险投资公司都创立在英语国家,这些国家的风险投资文化发展的更加完善,自然而然风险资本在英语环境中发展的更加畅通,至少在非洲是这样的。本文还发现风险资本自身并不需要依赖复杂的金融手段就取得成功。风险资本依赖于经验丰富的专家,他们非常了解所投资的行业以及需要采取的决策。本文提出振兴非洲的风险资本的思路是:非洲国家应提供和改善商业氛围,以吸引更多的投资者。此外,养老基金和富裕人士的贡献对非洲风险投资的发展也至关重要。最后,本文研究认为有效率的制度不会成为资本的障碍,而是会促进创新和经济增长。基于本文中发现的资本和投资者保护以及资本和税收水平之间的相关性,尤其是在东非和西非,新的改革和监管机构是有必要的。
DO VAN CUONG(杜文强)[2](2020)在《海上溢油数值仿真与三维可视化》文中认为海洋覆盖了地球表面的71%。近年来,随着全球经济的快速发展,世界海运量在不断增加的同时,海上石油泄漏污染的风险也在加大。溢油事故对海洋环境、生态系统和海洋野生动物造成了负面影响。因此,做出及时的应对决策是极其重要和必要的。进行一次真正的海上漏油演习代价高昂,风险很大,而且对环境有害。为了模拟和预测海上溢油的各种特征,有必要建立溢油数值模型,实时三维模拟溢油事故,加强应急人力资源的培训和演练。目前的溢油模型大都是二维模型,不能满足流体模拟的要求。本文针对瞬时溢油的扩散和漂移问题,建立了渤海水动力潮汐模型,同时对海上溢油事故进行了逼真的流体模拟,并应用于渤海溢油事故。本文主要研究内容如下:1)利用Mike 21水流模型和Mike Zero工具,基于ADI方法建立并计算了渤海水动力潮汐模型。根据Leendertse原理,在三角网格上用基向量值的线性插值法确定某一点的流速和流向,并用于渤海各海域的计算,并将计算结果将与观测资料进行比较,以评价该方法的效果。2)基于几何学方法模拟了浮油在风流作用下的运动轨迹。在Fay模型的基础上,利用Lehr的经验研究计算了扩散面积和扩散速度,采用Hoult模型进行漂移扩散。3)当油膜达到最大面积时,提出采用泊松盘算法将浮油渲染成粒子,模拟石油颗粒在波浪、风和水流的作用下运动和扩散。4)根据每次浮油颗粒的三维信息,构造浮油形状函数,绘制浮油表面。采用Metaball方法根据精确计算每个体素中每个角点的函数值,从而确定整个曲面;在油粒子模型的基础上构造等值面的函数;利用Marching Cube方法在三维规则数据域中构造等值面。5)使用Unity Shader逼真地渲染浮油。通过表面着色器,顶点着色器和片段着色器计算法线光,以渲染油膜的光照效果。本文使用泊松盘采样算法创建了不同大小的油粒子,使用Marching Cube算法重建等值面,使油膜呈不规则形状,并且可以随机分散到较小的部分,海上溢油的三维可视化效果较好。
李佳敏[3](2020)在《控制纤维素—稳定自由基阳离子以增加热致变色油墨的可切换调色》文中研究表明刺激响应性超分子材料的最新研究为开发和制造多功能产品开辟了新的发展机遇。例如,由于热变色墨水和材料的颜色变化特性易于被肉眼观察,因此它们已用于快速响应二维码,3D打印和智能窗的开发研究中。对于大规模的实际应用,至关重要的是这些材料必须具有规模性,并易于从其原材料中加工获得。联吡啶盐的衍生物,通常被称为紫精,由于其具有出色的光致和电致变色性能,已广泛用于光致变色和电致变色材料中。另外,联吡啶衍生物及其供体-受体复合物可以表现出水致变色和热致变色性质。在此,我们开发了一种对温度响应的油墨体系,该体系在固态下可以产生显着的颜色变化而且具有两种截然不同的热致变色现象。该油墨体系由双联吡啶盐衍生物受体,富含π电子的萘衍生物供体,卤素抗衡离子和具有位阻的胺碱组成。热致变色油墨是在环境友好的溶剂(即水和乙醇)中制备的。用这种油墨替代传统打印油墨,显示出优良的热至变色特性。喷墨打印的图案基于水分子协调的竞争性π→π*和n→π*电荷转移(CT)相互作用以及联吡啶部分的在高温下碱触发自动还原而形成自由基阳离子,表现出热致变色行为。在存在水合水的情况下,喷墨打印图案的颜色来自联吡啶盐受体与萘衍生物供体之间的π→π*CT相互作用,从而使油墨呈红色。随着喷墨印刷图案的温度升高,并且超过了水合焓,水合水被从联吡啶盐中驱除。在此阶段,联吡啶盐衍生物受体及其卤素抗衡离子之间的n→π*CT相互作用占主导地位,红色墨水逐渐呈现橙色,并继续变亮直到材料最终变为黄色。在为该油墨体系筛选了一系列位阻胺碱后,发现p Ka高于5.3但低于9.8的胺碱(DABCO和N,N’-二甲基哌嗪)在高温下可以触发固态联吡啶衍生物自动还原为其自由基阳离子,产生特征性的绿色。当与这种墨水系统结合使用时,DABCO在高温下又引发了另一种颜色变化,从黄色变为绿色。我们还发现即使在大气条件下,在纤维素上形成的自由基阳离子也非常稳定。将水重新引入到纤维素中可大大加速自由基阳离子的氧化回到其原始状态,根据所达到得水合作用程度,喷墨打印图案的颜色将恢复为初始的π→π*和n→π*CT的竞争状态。UV-Vis吸收光谱和EPR光谱用来深入研究该油墨系统的热致变色现象,并确认了固态材料碱触发的自由基阳离子的形成。这些发现大大扩展了基于联吡啶衍生物的热致变色超分子材料的潜在应用范围。并通过应用合适p Ka范围内的位阻胺碱,证明了加热条件下碱触发的自由基阳离子形成与π→π*和n→π*CT相互作用的相容性。
MOUNTON NJOYA FELIX[4](2020)在《Research on Adults Literacy Policy in the Central Region of Cameroon (Mfoundi Division)》文中认为21世纪是发展与创新的世纪,但是,发展和扫盲是两个不可分割,互相关联的事物,要发展必须要提高人民的识字率。一个国家在文盲人口很高的情况下谈论发展是很困难的,而中国,与其他仍然落后的国家相比,很早就意识到了这一点。当我试图深入研究为什么包括喀麦隆在内的那些非洲国家的成年人识字率依然低下时,我发现识字本身并不是真正的问题,而是扫盲教育政策的制订。本研究聚焦于喀麦隆扫盲教育政策的发展和现状、现存问题和面临的挑战,描述和探讨了喀麦隆中部地区(Mfoundi地区)的成人扫盲教育政策,并根据中国的扫盲经验提出了一些解决方案。具体地说,本文描述喀麦隆扫盲教育政策的发展和现状,以及喀麦隆扫盲教育政策的主要改革,调查了喀麦隆扫盲教育政策的实施情况,分析喀麦隆扫盲存在的问题,最后考察了中国扫盲教育的经验,并提出供决策者参考的相关建议,以改善喀麦隆的成人扫盲教育。为了能深入问题,本研究采用了定性和定量研究相结合的混合方法,把问题分为六个子问题进行研究。自1960年独立以来,喀麦隆在成人扫盲政策方面迄今有三项主要改革。第一次是1962年的改革,它是一次全国性扫盲运动,也被称为“树下的学校”,从1962年持续至1983年。第二次改革是2005年以来的国家扫盲计划,这是国家对扫盲运动的重新启动。第三次也是最后一次改革是《权力下放政策》,旨在加强国家扫盲计划。尽管在成人扫盲领域进行了改革,但是喀麦隆的成人扫盲政策存在的问题多于获得的成就。比如:国家的力度不够;扫盲政策的制订没有考虑学习者或教师的意见;监管力度不足;某些地区过于偏僻;没有给扫盲人员设置相应的职位和地位;策略执行不力;缺乏针对扫盲教育者和学习者的培训标准;负责语言问题的不同机构所采取的行动缺乏协调;国家内使用的不同语言种类太多;内容,培训,评估和认证方法不统一;受过训练的人员在数量和质量上的不足;不适应目标人群需求的方案和课程;没有将识字者纳入国家的劳动力市场战略;社会宗教因素,尤其是与妇女有关的因素;财力和物力不足;人口增长与培训提供之间的不足等等仍然存在。为了克服这些对喀麦隆发展产生重大影响的问题,根据中国在扫盲教育政策方面的经验,建议采取以下解决方案。政府应加强参与、去除政策上的障碍;增加成人扫盲有效学习机会的数量和范围;确保成人扫盲方案的质量和有效性;加强伙伴关系,以发展健全有效的成人扫盲政策体系;加强政府行动力并加强立法;加强关于扫盲政策的科学研究;加强知识与技术的结合。
Shamsher Ullah[5](2020)在《用于检测和预防数据交易中的安全和隐私问题的密码学模型》文中进行了进一步梳理在数据交易市场中,各种在线应用程序(社交网络)和数据库收集了越来越多的用户数据。在线社交网络的应用程序可以在全球范围内共享用户或客户的数据。在共享用户数据期间,它可能涉及到用户的隐私信息,这是保护用户的隐私带来了挑战。因此,在数据共享期间确保用户的隐私保护是有必要的。加密通过使用访问控制技术来保护社交网络隐私。在数据共享中,隐私保护方案主要有三种架构,包括中心化架构、半中心化架构和去中心化架构。中心化体系结构:在中心化数据共享中,通常对集中式的数据使用降维和基于数据相似性的表示形式。数据保护要兼顾对未知隐私数据处理的效率及隐私性。由于该方法是专门为集中式数据而设计的,因此不能被普遍使用。缺乏这种架构,单点故障将导致整体数据的丢失。隐私中的缺陷是可能导致恶意的攻击,通过使用复杂的攻击和计算方法,这种问题更易发生。加密形式的数据需要使业务模型具有可用性并且满足隐私需求(在数据托管的模式中,加密形式的数据是有必要的)。半中心化体系结构:中心化体系结构和去中心化体系结构之间的中间解决方案是半中心化数据共享体系结构(它可兼具两者的优点)。该体系结构定义了所需数据的关键元素,而平台的关键模块旨在实现高效且有效的数据交易系统。它兼顾了互操作性,安全性,隐私性,可维护性,可用性和可伸缩性等重要性能指标。去中心化体系结构:P2P在线社交网络在隐私方面不依赖于用户数据的集中式存储(中心化体系结构)。许多去中心化体系架构被设计出来用以解决在线社交网络服务上的这些隐私问题(去中心化数据共享架构,旨在提高交易系统架构中未知隐私数据处理的效率)。交易市场包含几个交互方,包括用户数据提供者,用户数据使用者和用户数据代理。在这样的市场中,用户可以交易其数据并从共享中受益。这些体系结构可能引起严重的隐私问题。这与数据共享,数据使用,数据托管周期以及维护人员有关。用户需要注意数据的基本使用和控制,数据使用的目的和条件,数据的保存,是否允许数据共享以及与谁共享等。保证数据管理的安全性和隐私性是一项艰巨的任务。本文提出的数据交易框架通过协商一些隐私元素来确保协议的灵活性。本文的目标是找到一个可以安全地交换、交易用户数据并获得丰厚报酬的数据交易市场。近年来,在线社交网络(OSN)上的数据共享访问策略以惊人的速度增长,并成为数亿互联网消费者的事实上的门户。OSN提供数字社交互动和信息共享。其限制在于,由于用户目前没有有效的隐私保护机制来保证多用户数据的隐私性,因而限制了对共享数据的访问。OSN的数字社交互动和信息共享引发了许多安全和隐私问题。为了解决这些问题,我们使用了Persona,EASieR,基于属性的数据共享及属性基加密(ABE)加密方案。本文研究了数据共享和社交网络平台中的保密性、组织维护、社交契约、客户越轨行为、错误排除、计划和评估、支付和数据交易需求等安全和隐私问题。我们提出了两种方案“tau-访问策略”和“基于TTP的签密方案”。我们提出的tau-访问策略方案的创新性在于保护用户数据的机密性,维护社交网络中客户的合同,维护买卖双方之间的贸易组织交易策略,避免客户异常行为(交易期间买卖双方的恶意行为),保证错误的排除(不要将买卖商品发送给错误的用户),提供计划和评估(交易经理随时可以提供给买卖双方准确的交易计划,这对交易市场的成功是必须),提供成功的付款流程(从买方到卖方),以及满足数据交易需求(社交网络增加了对卖方和买方之间的交易需求)。数据共享和社交技术的飞速发展已经取代了数据交易市场中的物理交互。该技术的应用是在正确的时间提供对正确信息的访问。缺点是窃听者可以将用户从网络中删除,并可以创建代理参与者。在本文中,我们讨论了社交网络如何克服和防止这些数据交易问题。我们提出了一种新的加密方案,称为tau-访问策略。用户可以在基于社交网络的数据交易中加密和解密隐私交易信息(PTI)。我们提出的访问策略方案的安全属性包括数据机密性、数据完整性、可认证性、不可否认性、不可伪造性。我们提出的访问策略方案的效率为77.73%,更适合于数据交易市场和交易策略。在基于TTP的带签名加密方案中,,TTP摆脱了繁重的工作负担,例如多次地加密云服务用户(CSU)的请求并解密云服务提供商(CSP)的服务。我们方案的有效性能(EP)基于的主要操作包括椭圆曲线点乘法、哈希、求逆、异或、加密和解密。我们方案的安全性需求是:数据完整性、数据机密性、可认证性、不可否认性、前向机密性、不可伪造性和不可追溯性。
Gonzalo Ghiggino[6](2019)在《经济全球化及后国家改革语境下的中国对阿根廷投资研究》文中研究指明这篇论文在全球化与后国家改革的框架下分析论述了中国在阿根廷的投资。根据世界银行的数据,中国在近二十年来已经成为了世界范围内最大的投资者,并在这一时期内对全球经济的增长有着超过30%的贡献率。其中,中国对外直接投资也有着惊人的增长,为众多发展中国家提供了一项战略性资源。在阿根廷,中国的投资从2002年的1200万美元直接增长到了 2012年的230亿美元。在这段时期内,阿根廷政府也经历了一系列的体制性改革。为了回答这段时期政府改革与中国对阿投资之间的联系,本文以新结构主义的视角,通过历史和国际关系学的双重分析,对这一双边联系进行探讨。冷战之后,阿根廷政府开启的经济改革和国际潮流很大程度上影响了阿根廷政府的表现以及其推行的投资政策。早在1970年代,阿根廷政府就开始寻求一系列变革,这些变革直到卡洛斯·梅内姆时期才最终完成。这些变革的主旨就是用来限制阿根廷政府的权力,比如政府对市场更少的监管以及相关政策的推行与实施。这些都意味着与贝隆政府时期的历史决裂。最终,这些改革由于削弱了政府的实力,动摇了之前所推行的持久性政策,因此给后续的发展带来了十分消极的影响。2001年爆发的经济危机就是这一消极影响的具体表现。从21世纪开始,由于经济危机所带来的政府的不到位和政策的缺失,很大程度上限制了中国在阿根廷的投资表现。因此我们称这段危机和衰落期为后改革时代。1972年双方外交关系的建立是中阿关系的一个里程碑。双方都开始进一步推进政治合作,深化相互理解,并在双方发表联合宣言后见证了双边关系的持续推进。1990年之后,双方的经济关系开始越发重要,在2004年签订了战略合作伙伴关系的协议后,双边关系成了双方外交规划中的优先项,其中最为明显的一点就是双边贸易额的增加,从1999年的16亿美元到达了 2008年的135亿美元。通过合作协议我们可以发现,中国在阿的投资主要集中在矿产、基础设施及能源等方面。中国在阿根廷的投资不仅仅带有注重能源与基础设施的特征,同时也基本由国家企业主导实施。因此,中国政府在投资贸易的谈判中扮演着重要的角色。同时,中国的投资在帮助阿根廷解决就业与完善基础设施方面起到了积极的作用。除此之外,中国政府也经常会根据阿根廷政府的经济情况与偿还能力来制定还款计划,因此某种程度上也给阿根廷政府减缓了压力。最后,中国投资为阿根廷进一步发展相关出口到中国的产品提供了契机,通过大量的出口,阿根廷得以从这段外贸关系中维持相应的收支平衡;另一方面,也有利于中国公司在海外的扩张与发展。前景虽然乐观,但挑战也同样存在。对于中国来说,需要理解阿根廷的特殊情况,阿根廷的政府是一个弱政府,因此不能总是保障相关的协议项目能够顺利地开展。对于阿根廷来说,需要明白中国投资与自身长期目标之间的联系和相互影响,不能仅仅局限于判断中国的投资是好是坏。
李志川[7](2020)在《企业生产力与对外直接投资 ——基于中国工业企业的实证研究》文中进行了进一步梳理随着“走出去”战略和“一带一路”战略的稳步推进,中国的对外直接投资近年来取得了突飞猛进的发展。根据联合国贸发会议(UNCTAD)《2018世界投资报告》显示,2017年中国对外直接投资的流量和存量分别占全球当年的11.1%和5.9%,流量位列全球国家(地区)排名的第3位,存量由2016年的第6位跃升至第2位。中国现在不仅是发展中国家中最具吸引力的外商投资目的地,同时也是世界范围内主要的资本输出国之一。虽然学界对中国对外直接投资的研究已经屡见不鲜,但是以往大部分研究都是基于宏观层面的分析。近几年基于企业层面的数据,从企业异质性角度出发的研究开始逐渐兴起。因为从微观层面出发,能更加深入地分析企业对外投资的动机及其特征,同时也能更深入地洞察企业外直接投资对中国企业及产业的影响。本文结合中国工业企业数据库(2011-2013)和商务部公布的《境外投资企业(机构)名录》,并基于Helpman et al.(2004)的出口-投资模型(HYM模型)从企业异质性的角度研究了中国企业的对外直接投资行为。本文主要研究以下几个问题:(1)与非对外直接投资企业相比,对外投资企业存在哪些特征;(2)企业生产率高低对中国企业国际化战略决策的影响,通过Logit模型检验其是否符合HYM模型的理论预期;(3)投资高收入国家的企业和投资中低收入国家的企业在生产率方面是否存在显着差异;(4)对外直接投资对我国企业的生产率增长的影响。首先通过比较分析,(1)我们发现与非对外直接投资企业相比,参与对外直接投资的企业的确在生产率,企业规模,工业产值,资本密集度等方面要略胜一筹;(2)通过Logit模型进一步分析,结果显示生产率越高的企业越倾向于选择对外直接投资(生产率最高的企业选择对外直接投资,生产率略低的企业选择出口或者仅服务于本国市场),这一结果也基本符合HYM模型的理论预期;(3)倾向于投资低收入国家的企业与投资高收入国家的企业的生产率差异并不显着;此外,结果还表明我国存在出口“生产率”悖论,即出口企业的生产率并不比单纯服务于国内市场企业的生产率高;(4)为了控制“自选择”偏误和内生性问题,本文采用倾向匹配得分法和双重差分法实证检验了对外直接投资对企业生产率的影响,结果显示对外直接投资对我国企业的生产率增加具有显着的正向影响,即便是国有企业也存在显着的正向效应;此外投资高收入国家的生产率效应要高于投资低收入国家的生产率效应。
邹宏阳[8](2019)在《Technological,Behavioral and Policy Insights on Low-carbon Electricity Transition in China》文中研究表明As the largest emission source,electricity production releases more than 40%of the total CO2emissions in the world.Low-carbon transition is thus essential for the future development of power sector.Referring to other industries,it can be found that technological innovation is the foundation and motivation of revolutionary transition.As emerging technologies continue to mature,electricity market unexpectedly shows slow low-carbon transition due to both corporate behavior and supportive policy.On one hand,electricity production that relies on fossil energy for the long-term leads to technology lock-in,which limits the low-carbon behaviors of companies.On the other hand,supportive policies need to be constantly explored to achieve expected targets.But low-carbon transition is sensitive to these policies and vulnerable to imperfect policy measures in the exploration.Against these backgrounds,this dissertation applies theoretical and experimental methods from management science to address the low-carbon electricity transition in China at technological,behavioral and policy perspective,thereby depicting a panoramic view of China’s low-carbon electricity.The first aim focuses on how to achieve the large-scale application of renewable energy technologies.Taking photovoltaic(PV)power generation as an example,the Technological Innovation System analysis provides a theoretical framework and sheds light on the blocking and inducement mechanism of China’s PV industry.At a practical level,the study evaluates the technical and economic feasibility of grid-connected and off-grid PV power systems.The study also forecasts cost reduction for PV power generation with learning curve model and estimates the period of grid parity.This estimation provides policy recommendations for PV market diffusion in China.However,renewable energy market is limited by the preference or behavior of power generation companies rather than ideally developed with the advantage of the declining cost(Chen et al.,2018).Against the background,the second study uses agent-based model to embed an adaptive cap-and-trade system into electricity supply market and estimate the capacity expansion and emission reduction driven by the heterogeneous investment of power generation companies.On one hand,an efficient and reliable cap-and-trade system in power sector is found to be sensitive to the annual electricity demand and the long-term forecast for CO2 emissions per unit power generation.On the other hand,the identification of technology preference for power generation companies help fulfill their future development strategy.The third study expands the electricity supply simulated in the second study into the entire power industry that covers generation,transmission,distribution and load centers.The study links agent-based model,which simulate the CO2 emission trading among power plants,with SWITCH model that aims to examine least-cost electricity system.The combined model can not only estimate the regional carbon pass-through rates that demonstrates the impact of CO2 emission trading on the electricity cost of users,but also compare the effect of different policies on low-carbon electricity transition.Results show that the combination of CO2 emission trading and renewable electricity target can generate synergistic effect,thereby achieving the effective and efficient low-carbon electricity transition.
WANG Lei,WU Guifang[9](2019)在《A Research on Development Problems of Cross-Border E-Commerce in Tianjin under the Background of “The Belt and Road”》文中认为Cross-border E-commerce, known as the "Online Silk Road", has become an important channel for Chinese enterprises to develop foreign trade in recent years, and to make cross-border E-commerce bigger and stronger has become one of the important contents of the "13 th Five-Year" plan. The implementation of "The Belt and Road" initiative has brought unprecedented opportunities for the development of cross-border E-commerce, greatly promoted China’s import and export trade, and built a good platform for the development of cross-border E-commerce in various regions. Chinese policies and measures, local economic environment and E-commerce development foundation all create good opportunities for cross-border E-commerce in Tianjin; however, they also face some challenges. Based on the analysis of the current situation of cross-border E-commerce development in Tianjin, this paper explains the existing problems of cross-border e-commerce in Tianjin, and puts forward specific countermeasures for the development of cross-border e-commerce in Tianjin in combination with "The Belt and Road" policy.
Bouhouch Lahcen(卜拉森)[10](2019)在《迪拜的快速城市化进程研究及对深圳特区的启示》文中进行了进一步梳理迪拜经济的高速发展不断创造着城市发展的奇迹,其发展道路和发展模式一度受到全世界特别是阿拉伯国家的追捧和效仿,但其存在的问题也很突出。本论文在阅读大量资料和实地考察的基础上,利用社会学、经济学的相关理论分析迪拜演变进程、政策导向和产业结构转型的成功经验,总结了其经济转型取得的成就,揭示出其城市化发展的特点、存在问题和对资源、生态环境的影响。此外,本文还创新性的对迪拜和深圳的城市化进行了对比研究,辩证分析了各自发展模式的借鉴意义、成功经验和存在的不足,也揭示其在发展过程中存在的问题。迪拜是整个阿拉伯世界引以为傲、发展最快的城市之一,而深圳则代表了以发展中国家为代表的中国的希望。中国的发展速度令世界瞩目,而深圳的发展速度则领先于中国其它城市。两种体制,两种文化,但都取得了城市发展的奇迹,这两个城市的对比对世界城市研究具有较强的学术价值及现实意义。本论文主要研究内容分为八个章节:第一章介绍论文选题的研究意义、研究方法、思路及主要内容。第二章全球化和城市化概论,包括全球化、城市化的概念、内涵,以及城市化相关研究理论和发展模式,同时介绍迪拜城市化发展的研究概况。第三章是从城市概况、起源、城市发展、城市规划几个方面,结合迪拜政府导向,回顾和总结迪拜的城市化发展历史进程,指出城市化过程中存在的问题。同时,系统梳理了迪拜历版规划的规划背景、规划思想、规划内容及实际建设情况,并对各版规划进行了解析与评价。第四章是利用产业结构转型的相关理论,结合产业发展数据,研究迪拜多样化经济的发展,内容涉及迪拜经济的几大主要产业——贸易和运输业、建筑业、金融业、旅游业、制造业、房地产业等,总结归纳和阐述了迪拜发展模式的内涵及在国民经济中的主导作用,并对迪拜经济的下一步转型发展方向进行探讨。第五章是探讨迪拜发展的可持续性问题,内容涉及迪拜社区、高层建筑、能源、水资源和生态环境。第六章是深圳城市化进程总结,包括城市概况、城市发展、城市规划、人口、经济和产业结构变化。第七章是对迪拜与深圳的城市化比较研究,并阐明迪拜对深圳特区的启示。这两个城市都选择了适合自己的定位和发展模式,在短时间内实现了快速城市化,并都创造了世界城市发展的奇迹。本论文选择1980年以后这两个城市的发展状况,对两个城市的异同点进行总结和归纳,从城市发展背景、城市规模、城市经济和产业发展等方面进行探讨,分析其成功要素和存在问题。迪拜的虚拟经济占GDP的比例较大,贸易、旅游、房地产、金融是其优势产业;而深圳是实体经济占主导,制造业是深圳的优势产业,接着是金融业、批发和零售业。本文探讨了迪拜和深圳发展路径选择及其示范意义,对世界其它城市有一定的借鉴作用。最后的结论部分概括了两个城市的共性和特性,对迪拜城市化进程中存在的问题与不足进行了总结,揭示了城市化发展面临的难题,说明经济建设要量力而行,要根据地区和国际环境的变换及时调整产业结构和发展模式,才能实现城市的可持续发展。
二、Contents of〈Transactions of Tianjin University〉in 2002(论文开题报告)
三、Contents of〈Transactions of Tianjin University〉in 2002(论文提纲范文)
(1)The Regulation on Venture Capital:A Study of West and East Africa and the European Union(论文提纲范文)
摘要 |
List of acronyms and abbreviations |
Introduction |
Ⅰ.An overview of Venture Capital |
Ⅱ.Literature review |
Ⅲ.Research focus |
A.Research problem |
B.Research question |
C.Research methodology |
Ⅳ.Research main conclusion, argument structure and innovation |
Ⅰ.Description of the 3 economic areas |
A.The Economic Community of West Africa |
B.The East African community |
C.The European Union |
Ⅱ.The VC regulatory ecosystem in East and West Africa |
Ⅲ.The regulatory ecosystem inside the European Union |
Ⅳ.The role of the regulation |
Ⅴ.Legal preliminary on a VC transaction |
A.Engaging advisers |
B.Heads of agreement and exclusivity |
C.Engagement letters |
D.Legal Due Diligence |
Conclusion |
Introduction |
Ⅰ.Conceptual framework |
A.Legal context and scope of the study |
B.Venture Capital in Europe, East and West Africa |
Ⅱ.Country Comparison Case Studies: Germany, Kenya and Nigeria |
A.Germany |
B.Nigeria |
C.Kenya |
Ⅲ.The example of China on regulation implementation |
Ⅳ.Law and policy on venture capital |
Ⅴ.An analysis of the community law in the EU, East and West Africa |
A.Direct Effect of Community Law |
B.Supremacy of community law |
C.Preliminary reference procedure |
D.Relational principles and mechanisms |
Ⅵ.Regulations on European venture capital funds: what real impact? |
A.Venture capital funds should benefit from a passport |
B.An optional regime for managers below the AIFMD thresholds |
C.Lighter requirements for using the Eu VECA designation and marketing passport |
D.Expected benefits of the passport and potential development of a recognized label |
E.Will a new fund label arise complementary to AIF and UCITS? |
Ⅶ.Regulation of funds of African venture capital companies |
Conclusion |
Introduction |
Ⅰ.The administrative principles of venture capital |
A.The Board of directors |
B.The Founder |
C.The CEO |
D.The VC firm |
E.An outside board member |
Ⅱ.Economic and control terms of the term sheet |
A.Economic terms |
B.control terms |
C.Other elements of the term sheet |
D.Important terms for the entrepreneur |
Ⅲ.Exit and payment: what are the provisions? |
Ⅳ.The role of the different players in Venture Capital |
A.The role of the local partner |
B.The role of the investor |
C.The role of the lawyer |
Conclusion |
Introduction |
Ⅰ.Definition and role of pension funds in VC |
A.Definition of pension funds |
B.The role of pension funds |
Ⅱ.Legal framework of investments from pensions funds |
A.Pension fund regulation in West and East Africa |
B.Pension fund’s investment regulation in Europe |
C.Investment parameters |
Ⅲ.The regulation of VC funds from HNWI, life insurers, foundations and endowments |
A.The High Net Worth Individuals(HNWI) |
B.Funding from Life insurance companies |
C.Funding from foundations and endowments |
Conclusion |
Introduction |
Ⅰ.General overview of Taxation in the European Union |
Ⅱ.Description of the existing VC tax legislation in the 3 regions |
Ⅲ.Cross comparison of the tax regulation in Germany, Kenya and Nigeria |
A.Germany |
B.Kenya |
C.Nigeria |
Conclusion |
Introduction |
Ⅰ.Problems in VC regulation |
A.Problems arising from the regulation in West Africa |
B.Problems arising from the regulation in East Africa |
C.Problems arising from the regulation in the European Union |
Ⅱ.Guarantees offered to Limited Partners and General Partners |
A.Guarantees to limited partners |
B.Guarantees to General partners |
Ⅲ.VC dispute and legal remedies |
A.Disputes |
B.Arbitration of VC dispute |
Ⅳ.Other remedies for VC investors |
A.Bilateral and Multilateral treaties |
B.Protections from BITs and MITs |
C.The contribution of investors |
Ⅴ.Summary and Conclusion |
A.Findings on the regulation |
B.Merit of the research and proposed contribution to science |
C.Recommendations and perspectives |
Conclusion |
References |
Appendix |
CV and research results published |
创新点摘要 |
摘要 |
1 Introduction |
1.1 Purpose of choosing the topic |
1.1.1 Review history of oil spills accident |
1.1.2 Policies and law related to offshore oil spills |
1.1.3 The location and importance of oil spill rescue model |
1.2 Influence of wave, wind and tidal current on oil spills |
1.2.1 Two-dimension method |
1.2.2 Three-dimension method |
1.2.3 Hydrodynamic model |
1.3 Research status of mathematical oil spill model at sea |
1.4 Problems of existing methods |
1.5 Main content and structure of the thesis |
2 Numerical simulation of tidal current |
2.1 Theory of ocean tidal analysis and prediction |
2.1.1 Introduction |
2.1.2 Analyzing of generating forces |
2.2 Status of calculation and prediction tide model |
2.2.1 Two-dimension model |
2.2.2 Three-dimension model |
2.2.3 Hydrodynamic model |
2.3 Mike Zero/Mike 21 software |
2.3.1 Introduction |
2.3.2 Creating Mesh and Model output |
2.4 Application of Mike 21 Flow Model to simulate the Bohai Sea tidal |
2.4.1 Features of Bohai Sea area |
2.4.2 Method of numerical calculation tidal current model |
2.4.3 Setup of Bohai Sea tidal simulation |
2.4.4 Model verification result |
2.5 Summary |
3 Mathematical model of the oil spill at sea |
3.1 Introduction |
3.2 Overview of the oil spill at sea |
3.2.1 The harm of the oil spill to the ocean environment |
3.2.2 Composition and physicochemical properties of oil products |
3.3 Behavior and fate of the oil spill at sea |
3.3.1 What is the oil spill behavior in water |
3.3.2 Life cycle of oil in the marine environment |
3.3.3 Oil on shore |
3.3.4 Cleanup operation |
3.4 Oil spill modeling |
3.4.1 Spreading |
3.4.2 Drifting |
3.4.3 Evaporation |
3.4.4 Dissolution |
3.4.5 Emulsification |
3.4.6 Synthetic oil spill model |
3.4.7 Oil and obstacle interactions |
3.5 Summary |
4 Application of Poisson disk sampling to render oil particle |
4.1 Introduction |
4.2 Dart throwing |
4.3 Poisson Disk Sampling method |
4.4 Apply Poisson Disk Algorithm on the oil model |
4.5 Summary |
5 Marching Cube algorithm to reconstruct the iso-surface |
5.1 Introduction |
5.2 Overview of the Marching Cube algorithm |
5.3 Procedure of the fluid surface visualization |
5.4 Summary |
6 3D visualization of offshore oil spills |
6.1 Introduction |
6.2 Introduction of the rendering of waves field |
6.2.1 Based on the construction method |
6.2.2 Based physical method |
6.3 3D visualization algorithm of offshore oil spill |
6.3.1 Spreading model |
6.3.2 Drifting and diffusive |
6.4 3D visualization of sea surface oil spill trajectory |
6.4.1 Research on visualization technology of oil film on sea water |
6.4.2 Implementation of oil spill visualization process |
6.4.3 Visualization of oil spill model |
6.5 Summary |
7 Conclusions and expectations |
7.1 General conclusions |
7.2 Expectations |
Reference |
Biography and paper published |
Acknowledgement |
摘要 |
Chapter 1.Introduction |
1.1 Supramolecular Chemistry |
1.1.1 Background |
1.1.2 Supramolecular Self-Assembly |
1.1.3 Electrostatic Interaction Based Self-Assembly |
1.1.4 Hydrogen Bonding Based Self-Assembly |
1.1.5 Hydrophobic Interaction Based Self-Assembly |
1.1.6 Donor-Acceptor Interaction Based Self-Assembly |
1.2 Application of Supramolecular Systems |
1.2.1 Stimuli-Responsive Supramolecular Materials |
1.2.2 Thermochromic Supramolecular Materials |
1.3 The Bipyridinium Molecular Recognition Unit |
1.3.1 Early Research and Development of Bipyridiniums |
1.3.2 Reduction of Bipyridiniums |
1.3.3 Stable Radical Cation |
1.3.4 Donor-Acceptor Charge Transfer Interaction of Bipyridiniums |
1.3.5 Thermochromism/Hydrochromism of Bipyridiniums |
1.4 Research Significance and Main Contents of Thesis |
Chapter 2.Harnessing Cellulose-Stabilized Radical Cations to Increase the Switchable Color Palette of the Thermochromic Inks |
2.1 Design and Synthesis of Thermochromic Bipyridinium Salts |
2.2 Selection of Optimized Base as Reducing Agent |
2.3 Thermochromic Base-Driven Reduction Process on paper and UV-Vis Absorption Spectra in Solid State |
2.4 Supramolecular Assemblies Formation and Thermochromic Properties |
2.5 Optimized Thermochromic Ink Conditions and CIE1931 Chromaticity Diagrams |
2.6 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance(EPR)Spectra of Solid State Bipyridinium Samples on Cellulose |
2.7 Cyclic Voltammetry (CV)and Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV)Spectra of Bipyridiniums |
2.8 Conclusion |
Chapter 3.Experimental Section and Data Characterization |
3.1 General Methods |
3.2 The Synthesis of Target Molecules and Data Characterization |
3.2.1 Synthesis of 1A?4Br |
3.2.2 Synthesis of 1B?4Br |
3.2.3 Synthesis of 2A?4Br |
3.2.4 Synthesis of 2B?4Br |
3.2.5 Synthesis of 3A?4Br |
3.2.6 Synthesis of 3B?4Br |
3.2.7 Synthesis of 4A?4Br |
3.2.8 Synthesis of 4B?4Br |
3.2.9 Synthesis of 5A?4Br |
3.2.10 Synthesis of 5B?4Br |
3.2.11 Synthesis of 6A?4Br |
3.2.12 Synthesis of 6B?4Br |
3.3 Preparation of Solution and Thin Films for UV-Vis Absorption Spectroscopy |
3.4 Preparation of the Thermochromic Inks Used for Inkjet Printing |
3.5 Preparation of Solid-State Samples for Electron Paramagnetic Resonance(EPR)Spectra |
3.6 Preparation of Solution Used for Cyclic Voltammetry (CV)and Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV)Spectra |
References |
Appendix |
Acknowledgements |
(4)Research on Adults Literacy Policy in the Central Region of Cameroon (Mfoundi Division)(论文提纲范文)
摘要 |
Acronyms |
Chapter1 Introduction |
Background of the study |
Statement of the problem |
Purpose of the study |
Research Questions |
Significance of the Study |
Research scope and Delimitation |
Research limitations |
The state of the problem |
Literature review |
Theoretical framework |
Chapter2:Research Methodology |
Introduction |
2.1 Approach of the research |
2.2 Data collection techniques |
2.2.1 Presentation of the Site |
2.2.2 Documentary research |
2.2.3 Direct observation |
2.2.4 Indirect observation |
2.3 Data Analysis |
2.4 Period of survey |
2.5 Difficulties encountered |
2.6 Limits of the study |
2.7 Presentation plan of the thesis content |
Chapter3:Reforms and their impacts in history of literacy education policy inCameroon |
3.1 Historical context of education in Cameroon |
3.2 Historical development and the content of adult’s literacy policy in Cameroon |
3.2.1 Historical development of adult’s literacy policy in Cameroon |
3.2.2 Content of the adult’s literacy policy document |
3.3 presentation of the current situation of adults’education and literacypolicy in Cameroon |
Conclusion |
Chapter4:Literacy practice in adult literacy centers in Cameroon |
4.1 People involved |
4.2 The main disciplines offered by the adult literacy program in Cameroon |
4.3 Duration of training and teaching time in literacy centers in Cameroon |
4.4 Teaching site |
4.5 Teachers |
4.6 Funding |
4.7 Text books |
4.8 Relations between officials,literacy educators and learners |
4.8.1 Relations between officials and literacy educators |
4.8.2 Relations between officials and learners |
4.9 How monitors sensitize adults to attend literacy classes |
Conclusion |
Chapter5:Efficiency and Challenge of Adult Literacy policy in Cameroon |
Introduction |
5.1 Efficiency of Adult Literacy Education in Cameroon |
5.1.1 Efficiency at the institutional level |
5.1.2 Efficiency at the local(literacy centers)level |
5.2 Challenge of Adult Literacy policy in Cameroon |
5.2.1 Challenge of Adult Literacy policy at the institutional level |
5.2.2 Challenge of Adult Literacy policy at the literacy centers |
Chapter6:Successful experience of Adult Literacy Education policy in China |
Introduction |
6.1 Key directions of literacy education policy in China |
6.1.1 The Policy of Language Simplification to Increase Literacy |
6.1.2 The policy known as"rapid literacy method"or literacy for workers |
6.1.3 Instauration of the9 Years Compulsory Education |
6.1.4 Instauration of special curricula and various text books for literacyeducation as well as diploma or certificate at the end of literacy program |
6.1.5 Orientation of rural literacy in accordance with the needs of agriculturalproduction and that of farmers |
6.1.6 Selection of literacy educators |
6.1.7 The Policy of"one:block,two:sweeps and three:improvements" |
6.2 The motive factors and Enlightenment of the development of literacyeducation policy China |
6.2.1 Political power |
6.2.2 Economic power |
6.2.3 Enlightenment |
6.3 Resilience of the Chinese Government toward some literacy difficulties |
6.3.1 During the period of distortion of the New China Literacy EducationPolicy(1966-1976) |
6.3.2 During the restoration and reconstruction of New China's LiteracyEducation Policy(1977-90s) |
6.3.3 During the adjustment and renewal of literacy education policy in NewChina(since year2000) |
6.4 The achievement and experience of literacy education in China |
Conclusion |
Chapter7:Recommendations based on Chinese experience for a more effective fightagainst adult illiteracy in Cameroon |
7.1 Summary of findings |
7.2 Recommendations |
7.2.1 Reduce barriers and increase participation |
7.2.2 Increase the number and range of effective learning opportunities forAdult literacy |
7.2.3 To ensure the quality and effectiveness of literacy programs for Adults |
7.2.4 Strengthen Partnerships to develop a solid and effective Adult literacySystem |
7.2.5 Strengthen Government actions and intensify law enforcement toensure that literacy is a"top priority"in the education system |
7.2.6 Strengthening Scientific Research on literacy Education |
7.2.7 Combination of knowledge and Technology |
7.2.8 Strengthening the Law of Compulsory Primary Education in Cameroon |
7.2.9 Establishment of Multiples Measures for Political Stability |
7.2.10 Adopt the Experimental Literacy Program(2017) |
Bibliography |
Appendix |
Acknowledgement |
Dedication |
Acknowledgments |
Chapter 1 Introduction |
1.1 Introduction |
1.2 Trade |
1.2.1 Trade costs |
1.2.2 Trade execution |
1.2.3 Trade order |
1.2.4 International trade |
1.3 Trader |
1.4 Trading |
1.5 Data trading entities |
1.5.1 Seller |
1.5.2 Buyer |
1.5.3 Broker |
1.6 Data trading |
1.6.1 Trading market |
1.6.2 Data trading market |
1.6.3 Mobile data trading |
1.6.4 IoT data trading |
1.6.5 Fair data trading |
1.7 Digital Supply Chain (DSC-I) data trading |
1.7.1 Prepare |
1.7.2 Negotiate |
1.7.3 Govern |
1.8 Privacy of trading system |
1.8.1 Confidentiality |
1.8.2 Consent |
1.8.3 Data protection |
1.8.4 Threat model |
1.9 Structural organization of the dissertation |
1.10 Chapter summary |
Chapter 2 Preliminaries |
2.1 Introduction |
2.2 Privacy preserving of data trading |
2.2.1 Challenges |
2.2.2 Problem definition |
2.2.3 Privacy models |
2.2.4 Technical challenges |
2.2.5 Threats and attacks |
2.3 Security and privacy of data trading |
2.3.1 Digital data |
2.3.2 Attribute based encryption |
2.3.3 Data trading and differential privacy |
2.3.4 Confidentiality and integrity |
2.4 Miscellaneous techniques |
2.5 Chapter summary |
Chapter 3 Related Works |
3.1 Introduction |
3.2 Data trading |
3.3 Symmetric and asymmetric data trading |
3.4 Pairing-based cryptography and data trading |
3.5 Social Networks and Data Trading (SNDT) |
3.6 Cryptography and SNDT |
3.7 Access strategies and signcryption schemes |
3.8 Chapter summary |
Chapter 4 The Design of τ-Access Policy and TTP based Signcryption Schemes |
4.1 Introduction |
4.2 τ-Access Policy: ABE scheme for social network in data trading |
4.2.1 Social networking service |
4.2.2 Social networks investment |
4.2.3 Social networks with ABE |
4.2.4 Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) |
4.2.5 Our contribution |
4.3 TTP based signcryption scheme |
4.3.1 Secret key encryption |
4.3.2 Signcryption |
4.3.3 Our model mechanism |
4.3.4 Signcryption and Unsigncryption |
4.3.5 Elliptic curve points generation |
4.3.6 Keys generation |
4.3.7 Algorithmic design of signcryption |
4.3.8 Cloud service users |
4.3.9 Algorithmic design of unsigncryption |
4.3.10 Verification |
4.3.11 Correctness |
4.4 Chapter summary |
Chapter 5 Analysis |
5.1 Introduction |
5.2 Analysis of τ- Access Policy |
5.2.1 ABE practice on social networks |
5.2.2 The usage and analysis of τ-access policy |
5.2.3 Attacks prevention |
5.3 Performance evaluation of τ-access policy |
5.4 Security properties |
5.4.1 Data confidentiality |
5.4.2 Data integrity |
5.4.3 Authenticity |
5.4.4 Non-repudiation |
5.4.5 Un-forgeability |
5.5 Analysis of TTP based signcryption scheme |
5.6 Performance evaluation |
5.7 Security properties |
5.8 Chapter summary |
Chapter 6 Summary, Open Problems and Future Work |
6.1 Introduction |
6.2 τ-access policy summary |
6.3 TTP based signcryption summary |
6.4 Open problems |
6.5 Future work |
References |
Research work conducted during PhD |
Acknowledgements |
Abstract (Chinese) |
Abstract (English) |
Introduction |
1. The significance of the study |
2. Literature review |
3. Research question |
4. Hypothesis |
5. Theoretical framework |
6. Research methodology |
7. The structure of the study |
Chapter1 The propagation of the economic globalization and the transformation of the State |
1.1 The end of the Cold War and the emerging of new paradigm |
1.2 The investments and its role in shaping international relations |
1.3 The transformation of the State |
Chapter2 Reforms and post-reforms in Argentina |
2.1 The crisis of power |
2.2 The State reforms |
2.3 Post-reforms |
Chapter3 China's role in the international system and its implications as a global investor |
3.1 Strategies for investments in China |
3.2 China in the international system |
3.3 China as a global investor and the expansion of Chinese companies.The role of going out policy |
Chapter4 China’s interest to invest in Argentina |
4.1 The expansion of Chinese investment through the world and the scopein Latin America to ensure markets |
4.2 The need to develop global champions companies |
4.3 A place to invest in food, mining, and energy |
Chapter5 The interest of Argentina for Chinese investment |
5.1 The characteristics of Chinese investments in Argentina |
5.2 The political reasons |
5.3 Reduce the deficit with China and secure a source of investment |
Chapter6 Chinese investment and the bilateral relations |
6.1 Consolidation of the bilateral relations in the late Cold War(1972-1989) |
6.2 Expanding the economic relations after the end of the Cold War |
6.3 New dynamics in the bilateral relations since 2003 |
6.4 The impacts of Chinese investments |
Conclusion |
Bibliography |
Publications |
(7)企业生产力与对外直接投资 ——基于中国工业企业的实证研究(论文提纲范文)
致谢 |
Acknowledgements |
摘要 |
Abstract |
Introduction |
Research Background |
Research Objectives |
Research Methods and Main Contents |
Chapter One Literature Review |
1.1 Traditional Theories about OFDI and MNEs |
1.1.1 Traditional OFDI Theories about MNEs of Developed Countries |
1.1.2 Traditional OFDI Theories about MNEs of Developing Countries |
1.2 Firm Heterogeneity and OFDI |
1.2.1 Firm Heterogeneity Theory |
1.2.2 Empirical Evidence from Developed Countries |
1.2.3 Empirical Evidence from Developing Countries |
1.3 Impacts of OFDI on firms’Productivity |
Chapter Two Overview of China’s OFDI |
2.1 History of China’s OFDI |
2.1.1 Initial Development Stage(1979-2000) |
2.1.2 Juvenile Stage(2001-2008) |
2.1.3 Growth Stage(2009 to present) |
2.2 Current Status of China’s OFDI |
2.2.1 Scale |
2.2.2 Location |
2.2.3 Industrial Distribution |
2.2.4 Entry Modes |
2.2.5 Distribution of investment subjects |
2.2.6 Current issues |
Chapter Three Firms Productivity and OFDI |
3.1 Mechanism of firms’OFDI |
3.1.1 Consumer preferences |
3.1.2 Firms’production and market strategy |
3.1.3 Host country factors and cut-off productivity |
3.2 Empirical Analysis of Firms’Productivity and OFDI Decision |
3.2.1 Data |
3.2.2 Variables and measurement |
3.2.3 Model |
3.2.4 Empirical test and analysis |
3.2.5 Host country income level and firms’productivity |
Chapter Four Impacts of OFDI on Firms’Productivity |
4.1 Transmission mechanism of OFDI and hypothesis |
4.1.1 Economies of scale |
4.1.2 Profit feedback mechanism |
4.1.3 Learning effect and reverse knowledge transfer |
4.1.4 Purchase and cross-border merger and acquisitions |
4.1.5 Joint research and development |
4.2 Data and Methodology |
4.2.1 Data and variables |
4.2.2 Methodology |
4.3 Estimation results and analysis |
4.3.1 Initial test |
4.3.2.Other robustness checks |
Conclusion and Discussion |
References |
(8)Technological,Behavioral and Policy Insights on Low-carbon Electricity Transition in China(论文提纲范文)
Abstract |
Acknowledgements |
Chapter 1:Introduction |
1.1 Background |
1.2 Literature Review |
1.3 Theories and Methods |
1.4 Dissertation Objectives and Outline |
Chapter 2:How to Achieve the Large-Scale Application of Photovoltaic(PV)Power Generation:Nursing,Bridging and Mature Market |
2.1 Introduction |
2.2 The Status Quo Analysis of China’s PV Industry based on TIS |
2.3 Methodology:Techno-economic Evaluation and Grid Parity Estimation |
2.4 Construction and Parameter Description of PV Power Generation System |
2.5 Techno-economic Evaluation of PV Power Generation in China’s Five Cities |
2.6 Grid Parity Estimation of PV Power Generation based on Learning Curve |
2.7 Conclusions and Policy Implications |
Chapter 3:Understanding Future Low-carbon Electricity under Adaptive Cap-and-Trade System from a Behavior Perspective |
3.1 Introduction |
3.2 Methodology |
3.3 Data and Assumptions |
3.4 Scenarios Design |
3.5 Model Validation |
3.6 Results and Discussions |
3.7 Conclusion and Policy Implications |
Chapter 4:Analysis of Carbon Pass-through and Policy Synergy by Integration of Electricity System Optimization and Agent-based Modelling |
4.1 Introduction |
4.2 Methods |
4.3 Data and Scenario Setting |
4.4 Results and Discussions |
4.5 Conclusions |
Chapter 5:Conclusion |
5.1 Contributions |
5.2 Future Research |
References |
Journal Submissions and Publications |
(9)A Research on Development Problems of Cross-Border E-Commerce in Tianjin under the Background of “The Belt and Road”(论文提纲范文)
1. Introduction |
2. On the Development Status of Cross-Border E-Commerce in Tianjin |
2.1 Government Support Policies |
2.2 Ever-growing of Total Value of Cross-Border E-commerce Transactions |
3. Problems Faced by Cross Border E-Commerce Development in Tianjin under the Background of“The Belt and Road” |
3.1 Transformation of Policy Advantages into Industry Advantages Remains to be Improved |
3.2 Lack of Cross-Border E-Commerce Talents with Professional Quality |
3.3 Weak Brand Value Awareness of Cross-Border E-Commerce Enterprises |
3.4 Issues of Funds Security Assurance |
4. Suggestions on the Development and Management Problems of Cross-Border E-Commerce in Tianjin under the Background of“The Belt and Road” |
4.1 To Strengthen Regional Cooperation and Forge Core Competitiveness |
4.2 To Establish Cross-Border E-Commerce Talent Training Strategy Relying on Government,Enterprises,Universities and Training Institutions |
4.3 To Enhance Brand Awareness of Cross-Border E-Commerce Enterprises |
4.4 To Build Safe and Efficient Payment System and Improve Transaction Security Assurance |
5. Conclusions |
摘要 |
Abstract |
Chapter1 General Introduction |
1.1 The significance and objectives of this Research |
1.2 Methodology,organization,and contents of this Research |
1.2.1 Research methodology |
1.2.2 Research organization and contents |
Chapter2 Overview of Globalization and Urbanization Development |
2.1 How to understand the globalization? |
2.1.1 Concept and connotation of globalization |
2.1.2 Driving force of globalization |
2.1.3 Influence of globalization on world cities |
2.2 Urbanization |
2.2.1 Definition and connotation of urbanization |
2.2.2 Measurement of urbanization level |
2.3 Urbanization-related research theories |
2.3.1 New economic growth theory |
2.3.2 Sociology-related theories |
2.3.3 Urban geography-related theories |
2.3.4 Theory of New Classical Economics |
2.4 Urbanization development patterns |
2.4.1 Synchro-urbanization |
2.4.2 Over-urbanization |
2.4.3 Under-urbanization |
2.4.4 Counter-urbanization |
2.5 Introduction to research on urbanization development of Dubai and Shenzhen |
2.5.1 Dubai |
2.5.2 Shenzhen |
2.6 Research on comparison with other rapidly developing cities |
2.6.1 Theories of rapid urbanization |
2.6.2 Comparison with other rapidly developing cities |
Chapter3 Historical Process of Urbanization in Dubai |
3.1 Urban overview |
3.2 Urban Origin |
3.3 Urban development |
3.4 Urban planning |
3.4.1 Overview of Dubai’s Urban Planning |
3.4.2 Analysis of Dubai’s Main Versions of Master Plan |
3.4.3 Comparisons of Dubai’s Main Versions of Masterplan |
3.4.4 Evaluation on Dubai’s Main Versions of Master Plan |
3.5 Urban population |
3.6 Urban socio-cultural and political features |
3.6.1 Socio-cultural features of Dubai |
3.6.2 Political features of Dubai |
3.6.3 Distinct features that differentiate Dubai from the other emirates |
3.7 Problems existing in the process of urbanization |
3.8 Chapter summary |
Chapter4 Research on Development of Dubai’s Diversified Economy |
4.1 Overview of economic and industrial structures in Dubai |
4.2 Oil industry |
4.3 Trade and transportation industry |
4.3.1 Direct foreign trade |
4.3.2 Re-Export trade |
4.3.3 Foreign Direct Investment |
4.3.4 Contribution of trade and transportation industry to Dubai’s economy |
4.4 Construction industry |
4.4.1 Infrastructure construction |
4.4.2 Port construction |
4.4.3 Airport construction |
4.4.4 Drive of construction industry to economic development of Dubai |
4.5 Financial industry |
4.5.1 Dubai International Financial Center |
4.5.2 Development of capital markets in Dubai |
4.5.3 Contribution of the financial industry to Dubai’s economy |
4.6 Tourism industry |
4.7 Real estate industry |
4.7.1 Development of real estate industry |
4.7.2 Contribution of real estate industry to Dubai’s economy |
4.8 Manufacturing industry |
4.9 Chapter summary |
Chapter5 Discussion on Sustainable Development in Dubai |
5.1 Communities |
5.2 High-rise buildings |
5.3 Energy |
5.4 Water resource |
5.5 Ecological environment |
5.6 Chapter summary |
Chapter6 Historical Process of Urbanization in Shenzhen |
6.1 Urban overview |
6.2 Urban Development |
6.2.1 Evolution of development center |
6.2.2 Changes of space function and development model |
6.3 Urban planning |
6.3.1 The first overall planning:Comprehensive Plan on Urban Construction of Shenzhen |
6.3.2 Comprehensive Plan of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone(1986-2000) |
6.3.3 Shenzhen Comprehensive Plan(1996-2010) |
6.3.4 Shenzhen Comprehensive Plan(2010-2020) |
6.4 Urban population structure |
6.4.1 Rapid increase in total population,dominanted by non-household population |
6.4.2 Change of population age and sex structures |
6.4.3 Change of population industry structure |
6.5 Urban economy and industrial structure |
6.6 Scientific and technological innovation |
6.7 Problems existing in the process of urbanization |
6.7.1 Urban planning is unmatched to industrial structure |
6.7.2 Contradiction between limited urban space and continuous population growth |
6.7.3 Highlighted urban social problems |
6.7.4 Huge pressures on urban ecological resources and environment |
6.8 Chapter summary |
Chapter7 Comparative Study on Urbanization in Dubai and Shenzhen |
7.1 Introduction to development background |
7.1.1 Dubai’s development background and driving force |
7.1.2 Shenzhen’s development background and driving force |
7.2 Urban status |
7.3 Comparison of urban similarities and differences |
7.3.1 Similarities |
7.3.2 Differences |
7.4 Urban scale comparison |
7.5 Urban economic and industrial comparison |
7.6 Urban culture |
7.6.1 Development of the cultural industry in Dubai |
7.6.2 Development of the cultural industry in Shenzhen |
7.7 Comparison of Dubai and Shenzhen in development model |
7.8 Challenges faced by Dubai and Shenzhen |
7.9 Inspiration of Dubai to Shenzhen Special Zone |
7.10 Chapter summary |
Chapter8 Conclusions and Outlooks |
8.1 Conclusions |
8.2 Innovations |
8.3 Outlooks |
References |
攻读博士学位期间取得的研究成果 |
致谢 |
附件 |
四、Contents of〈Transactions of Tianjin University〉in 2002(论文参考文献)
- [1]The Regulation on Venture Capital:A Study of West and East Africa and the European Union[D]. 米歇尔(Jean Michel MARONE). 上海财经大学, 2020(04)
- [2]海上溢油数值仿真与三维可视化[D]. DO VAN CUONG(杜文强). 大连海事大学, 2020(01)
- [3]控制纤维素—稳定自由基阳离子以增加热致变色油墨的可切换调色[D]. 李佳敏. 天津大学, 2020(02)
- [4]Research on Adults Literacy Policy in the Central Region of Cameroon (Mfoundi Division)[D]. MOUNTON NJOYA FELIX. 浙江师范大学, 2020(06)
- [5]用于检测和预防数据交易中的安全和隐私问题的密码学模型[D]. Shamsher Ullah. 中国科学技术大学, 2020(01)
- [6]经济全球化及后国家改革语境下的中国对阿根廷投资研究[D]. Gonzalo Ghiggino. 上海大学, 2019(08)
- [7]企业生产力与对外直接投资 ——基于中国工业企业的实证研究[D]. 李志川. 上海外国语大学, 2020(03)
- [8]Technological,Behavioral and Policy Insights on Low-carbon Electricity Transition in China[D]. 邹宏阳. 天津大学, 2019(01)
- [9]A Research on Development Problems of Cross-Border E-Commerce in Tianjin under the Background of “The Belt and Road”[A]. WANG Lei,WU Guifang. Proceedings of the 2019 Euro-Asia Conference on Environment and CSR: Tourism; Society and Education Session (Part II), 2019
- [10]迪拜的快速城市化进程研究及对深圳特区的启示[D]. Bouhouch Lahcen(卜拉森). 华南理工大学, 2019(06)